Jabra Panacast
Uber Wide Angle
Altia Systems partnered with MAST Design to visualize their new generation of immersive video conferencing hardware. In addition to carving out a new market, they were also looking to reduce cost by 50% with improved technology and a premium design. Cloud-based conferencing was making a resurgence thanks to dramatic improvements in real-time compression and Altia’s panoramic real-time video stitching technology was a game changer taking cloud to new immersive heights. Altia was acquired by Jabra in 2019.
The footprint of this camera was built for the huddle-room, but is ready for the boardroom.
It was designed for flexibility of placement, allowing it to live on the wall, sitting subtly under the TV bezel. Due to it’s small footprint, it also easily mounts to a laptop screen.
“Panacast helped us connect teams to each other, especially in big meetings where we couldn’t possible be in the same room with each other.”
“We’ve deployed hundreds of Panacast’s devices across Uber’s conference rooms.”